crew : Jesse Collier Sutterley

Movie Title
Gianmarco Bellini: Gulf War POW

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Movie Title
The Forgotten War

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Movie Title
Conte: Transitioning Politics

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Movie Title
The Sioux: From Red Cloud to Wounded Knee

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Movie Title
Triumph Over Prejudice: The Montford Point Marines

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Movie Title
The Singer: A Montford Point Marine

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Movie Title
The War to End all Wars: And its American Veterans

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Movie Title
Ultimate Sacrifices: CPT. Jennifer Moreno

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Movie Title
You Don't Know Jack: A Montford Point Marine

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Movie Title
Do Ask, Do Tell: The Linda Campbell Story

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Movie Title
Baptiste Garnier and the Indian Wars

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Nurse Helen Fairchild: Killed in Action?

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Movie Title
Buffalo Soldiers: George Jordan and the Indian Wars

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Movie Title
Who is Weary Willie?

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Movie Title
The Jock: A Montford Point Marine

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Movie Title
Noble Sissle Jr.: Am I Still Going to Vietnam?

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Movie Title
Velda: A Mom's Story of Suicide

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Movie Title
Alene Duerk: First Woman to Make Admiral

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Movie Title
Rudy Hernandez: Congressional Medal of Honor

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Movie Title
Anne Virkki: Near Earth Asteroids

Some quick example text.

Rate: 0.0